Society For Education (SFE) its World's largest professional association registered under Indian Trust Act (1882) meet for research development and promotion in the field of engineering and technology. The organisation welcomes applications and professional cv's to be a part and members in its committees, board and professional societies. SFE membership offers access to technical innovations, cutting edge information networking opportunities and exclusive membership benefits. Our members supports SFE to bring a revolution in research and innovation in field of engineering and technology. Members have left no stones unturned to build a platform for academic achievement and research development of our students.
SFE members are engaged in various research development activities and are playing a pioneer role to review the research papers and to make the technical events and conference successful. Organisation also provides a scope to members to build up a technical and professional network to boost technical advancement and research development in India. Today SFE receives thousands of application for membership and we welcome the initiatives and supports of professional to be a part in the association with a aspiration to globalize the innovation and research.